Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Blessed Tuesday.

Counting to the final exam week, I got blessed this whole day. First, the chem exam was not as difficult as I thought. Well, I hope I will get a good score at this Kesetimbangan exam (no remedial) because I feel like I've done my best and the kkm was not as high as usual (only 70). So, yeah, fingers crossed. Second, after the chem exam, we got free lesson (because Pak Edi, phy teacher, was absent). Then, on the biology class, Ibu Dewi was in but the subject was fun (as usual). We discussed about the blood disease and it was quiet interesting because that's what my interest is, I like medical thingy. Then we got chem again, but Ibu Pur just gave the Legitimasi card, then leave us free. So, instead of boring in class, me and Novi were taking care of the Saman invitation. We searched for Pak Mashudi, and we found him at the lobby and then we talked. It was quiet intens because there were also other kids who asked for permissions and stuffs. When we talked, then suddenly Ibu Neni came to see us. Then we all four talked, and what Ibu Neni said was quiet nervebreaking, but thats our consequences. Well, thank God (Allah), they gave us permission with the promise of bringing the winning trophy (well I hope the Tim B will win :D). Yeah, last thing, we have to full fill the forms and make a proposal for school administration. Haha thats easy ;)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Monday Madness

Okay, these few days (almost a week actually) were insane. I was too busy doing some homeworks and too lazy to post. SO, here I am posting some last posts before this blog was checked by Ibu Dina.
If I am not busy, or lazy, I might tell you guys about what I did these past week. But now I get fever, flu, and extreme headache. And you know what, I have chem exam tomorrow.
So this week is gonna be busy because next week we got final semester exam, and I'm gonna be in room 8, and I'm not sure that I can stand until this Wednesday because I feel so sick.

This Monday (today) we got upacara like usual, dan pembina upacaranya from polres. I thought he was scary or so, but then he was so funny until the upacara was not so boring. After the upacara, we got civil, we did some LKS, and stuffs, and a little bit sleepy. And instead of paying attention, I was making saman lists and stuff. Then we got break, then free from physic to biology. Then we got lunch, and it was raining so heavy until I got cold. Then on the chem class, instead of studying for tomorrow's exam, we got 'curhat; session with Bu Pur. Well, it's all start because the kesiswaan doesn't let sama excul join the visualista competition. Like it was so annoying, like they (especially 'she') made the procedures so hard. She hide the proposal (I guess) and act like nothing ever happen. I mean, I'm sick of being a nice good patient student. Well, although I was new, I have limit. There are teachers who have power and use it well so you can respect them so high, and there are also teachers who have power and misuse it until you just want to disrespect them.
Okay, I'm too following my emotion. And this is a little bit inappropriate to tell this complete story in public. Yeah, well, and last, me and Novi was crying, then we got rained for taking the proposal. And its all because of a little small thing. This is not worth it!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


So, on Monday, Indonesia got a final match for Sea Games with Malaysia at GBK. Because the ticket was sold out and it was school day, my mom didn’t let me watch it live. So then, I decided to go to Huga’s house with the #S1LENCE crew. But then, there was an information that Pak Hikmat and other teachers made nobar at the school, so we were all excited. Then I asked for my mom’s permission but then (I think) she got a little bit misunderstood because I said “there’s gonna be freetime tomorrow, I got no exams” but then because my mom didn’t trust me, she called Bu Pur and she also misunderstood. Well, at the end, there was a little bit fight between me and my mom. So I challenged her to ask my dad to call either Pak Arsil or Pak Hikmat  and ask, so he asked. THEN I WAS RIGHT AND MY MOM WAS WRONG SO SHE WAS GONDOK AND IN WAS HAPPY *evillaugh*
Well, at the end, even Indonesia lose, we lose in pride. They’re not skillfull, Malay just lucky. “ah dasar malingsia alay bet daaahhh, gue lempar gendang nih!” LOL

Some pics from the NOBAR:
Random photos of the NOBAR from Novi's cam.


It feels like its been ages i didnt update my blog. Well, its ticktockticktock already to the final exam. I haven't literally finsih my ICT tasks (i think), well i haven't done the LKS and this blog (min.10 posts about smandelta) and the makalah thingy (i forgot what the topic is). So, yeah, i'm gonna summary all the activities i've done these past days.

On saturday, i went to Lippo Karawaci to watch The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn. So when the bell rang, we can't really go out of school because we got the excul. But then, at 12 we can go home (if the excul is done already). But, I got saman, so i was like ran from my class to the gate to the car and straight away went to lippo to buy the tickets. It was reaaly full, dan super ngantri, and i was like "ohmygod gimana kalo nggak dapet". But then I got the ticket, and I was absolutely happy. And yeah, me and ka echa and sujan and acung and dwi and novi wacthed it together :D

And after we watch the movie, we went to the Iconlife to take some pics then just took a walk to the Gramedia, Gaudi, and stuffs.

Just study for Monday subjects like biology or doing some chem exercises and stuffs, and PLAYING THE SIMS!!! :D

Monday was a little bit boring at first, but then it got better. I met ‘uknowwho’ after the upacara. Well, it’s a little bit funny because we almost hit each other because it was so hot and the sun was so shiny so I didn’t realize that he was in front of me. And he was like “eh..” and I was so panic so I ran LOL. After that we got civil, then break time, then physics (terus tesnya diundur because kita milih nonton bola), then biology (bu dewi was absent karena anaknya drop so we just prayed him to get better), then lunch. Terus pas chem. Class mati lampu so it was a little bit fun because kita belajar diluar LOL.

Friday, November 18, 2011


Berikut ini adalah tips-tips apabila anda ingin memodusi seseorang:
1. Pastikan bahwa dia dan anda saling kenal satu sama lain.
2. Dekati dia secara perlahan, namun intens. (pepet aja kaya angkot)
3. Ketahuilah kontaknya yang bisa anda hubungi (facebook, twitter, no.hp, atau pin bb).
4. Apabila dia dan anda sudah dekat, bermainlah tariku ulur. (jangan mepet2 banget lagi biar dia penasaran)
5. Apabila dia tidak merespon dengan baik, lebih baik tinggalkan dan lupakan. (daripada dia ge-er)

- Jangan terlalu ge-er atau ngefly apabila dia merespon dengan baik, bisa saja dia hanya bersikap sopan dan ramah.
- Modusan hanya untuk orang-orang single/jomblo yang 'haus' tapi nggak mau serius, bukan untuk yang sudah taken.
- Apabila anda memiliki lebih dari 1 modusan, pastikan bahwa anda fokus ketika sedang berhubungan dengan si A, jangan memikirkan si B. Karena, itu dapat mengganggu konsentrasi anda dan memungkinkan kesalahan penyebutan nama.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Yesterday night, I didn't have time to blog because I was so busy preparing properties and costumes for drama. So, yeah, I'm gonna tell the story about yesterday. Tuesday is always busy, we have all science subjects and it was exhausting. And yesterday we had Math exam, and I didn't study at all because I was so busy thinking about drama. I forgot all the formulas, so I was like randomly chose the answer or doing pray or singing saman song to do my capcipcup LOL. And yesterday I stayed late in school, like until 5pm because we were rehearsing drama and I also had saman audition*fingercrossedwishmeluck*. Then when I got home, I was panic because I don't have any contact lens left for tomorrow so I ran to my mom and get some money then go to TangCity to buy some contacts. After that, I went to summarecon to burger king to get some crowns LOL.

And the show begins. We had bahasa Indonesia class today, and we (me, yuyun, meu, asip, ersa, hana, ismu) were the first grup. So it was kinda failed because we're just talking so fast no space for music, and a little bit awkward and some points because we forgot the text LOL. But over all, it was amazing because we only rehearse like 4 or 5 times, not seriously. And like all of us got 87 except ME GOT 88!!! so heppih~ on the other hand, we were nervous because we thought we gonna have physics exam (pa edi said on tue), buth then it was moved to next tue. Well that's all for today, I'm busy making the history summary.
*photos of drama are not yet available
*videos are not available (sorry)

Monday, November 14, 2011

After a long time...

Sorry for not blogging this past few days. Well, first, I'm too busy for school and my far family's wed. And I was visiting Bandung to attended her wedding, so althpugh I brpught my laptop, I can't use it because theres not internet connection there. So, yeah, I'm pretty much tired. And now I'm having a headache because of upcoming math exam and stomachache because of maicih.
Well today #SILENCE bertugas menjadi petugas upacara di SMANDELTA. And thank God, berjalan dengan well lumayan sukses. Walaupun ada beberapa kekurangan di protokol (tika) yang sedikit salah baca, padus agak kecepetan, penggerek bendera (sena) agak terlambat, dan pembaca UUD (rizqi) intonasinya agak salah -menurut Pak Bandi, tapi overall it's good.
Today was not really great, kinda boring actually. Because all the teachers (most of them) we're ngelayat the smanitra's economic teacher, Pa Warno, who passed away because of liver cancer (I heard). So, we had free times, and doing some finger print registration (YEAY!!!). But on the last period, we still had chem. And it was boring and annoying, because of my mom not replying my text, i got picked by Bu Pur and it was embarrassing.  Not too good for Monday start. But, hell yeah, I went to Ersa's house after school for drama pratctice with the team. And we were not really practicing, just made some props. LOL


MATH EXAM IS COMING TOMORROW!!! And instead of learning from books, I prefer to share some informations I've learnt from internet LOL.

RUMUS TRIGONO: http://www.scribd.com/doc/15557566/rumus-trigonometri-matematika
CARA MENGHAFAL RUMUS: http://istiyanto.com/cara-menghafal-rumus-trigonometri/

RIP Tissa

Rest in peace Tissa Trinovia (@ichatissa). -Nov 13th, 2011.
I first saw you played at DBL, and I was just like "wow is that from SMANITRA? She's playing great, isn't she?". Then suddenly, I heard about you got the f-ing GBS thingy and I was kinda shocked because I din't know what GBS was. Strongest girl I've ever heard, a beautiful young lady, a great basketball player, a nice friend, and a good daughter.
Although I don't know you personally, but I wish you get the best place in heaven.


Thursday, November 10, 2011


I think, going to school today was useless. First, my mom was away so technically I was free to do everything. Second, we just had first lesson, then all free time. Third, instead of going home at 10am because the teachers were having some kind of IT Workshop, we stayed in school (me teaching saman, which was sooo tiring) until 12 o'clock. Pathetic much, huh?!
Then we decided to have upacara practice, but like none of us listened to Yuga, so everyone like going home on their own. Then Meu, Novi, and Dwi came to my house to practice B.Indo drama, and the the others (Asip, Ismu, Dipts, Yuns, Ers, and Hans bakal nyusul) but super nggak jadi because Dipts had a bad mood, Yuyun went out with her bf, and others well I don't really know. Hahaha, again, this is pathetic.

I have 5 Fingers for these reasons:
My Little Finger-  To make PROMISES to my BESTFRIENDS 
My Ring Finger-  for SOMEONE SPECIAL when the TIME is RIGHT
My Middle Finger-  to those who are JEALOUS of me.
My Index Finger-  to SILENCE those who speak ill of me.
My Thumb-  to show the rest of the world that I’LL BE FINE no matter howHARD LIFE is.

Inspiring quotes #1

I’m not heartless… i just learned to use my heart less.

When people hate you and don’t treat you well, sometimes it is not you that has a problem but their insecurities towards you that they can’t handle.

Someone will always be prettier, someone will always be smarter, someone will always be younger but they will never be you.

Just because something isn’t happening for you right now, doesn’t mean that it will never happen.

The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just gotta find the ones worth suffering for.

Nobody in this world is numb. Everyone can feel pain, it’s just that some are really good when it comes to pretending.

Via Tumblr.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

9th Nov 2011

Today was as bored as usual. Busy Bahasa Indonesia class, discussing about drama. Super useless Physics class (because I understand nothing). Super heavy brunch, rice+fish then krupuk then pempek then cireng. Little free time in BP class. Then, super sleepy Religion c;ass (although we had exam, and I was completely lost). I didn't study before, just guessing and count on my lucks. Thanks to Allah who helps me get through that toughly even I still have to do remedial. Unfortunatelly, Ma'am Ruly was absent, so Pak Harmen get extra time, and I was literally fallen asleep LOL.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Night after the show. (Nov 7th, 2011)

Tonight I'm gonna have a sweet dream (relieve from saman sudden show) or maybe not (because of tons of math tasks i haven't done). But, yeah, I already see some pics from today's show on SMAN 8 Tangerang Idul Adha Celebration, from Dipta's camera.

( Me: Red Kebaya on the back, Novi: Beige Kebaya with gendang, Dancers from left: Ditha, Manda, Avi, Sarah, Vina, Fauziah, Ghea)

First post after the show.

HI GUYS!! Me and Novi and the other saman crew have just performed, and it was nerve breaking. Well, actually, I was not that nervous, but suddenly my mouth just gone dry and I was panic because I was afraid if my voice won't come out. But, thanks to Huga, who gave drink, my mouth was not too dry and my voice can come out. Fyi, this is my first public performance in SMAN 8 Tangerang. Yeah, I am a new student, and it's kinda exciting because finally I have something I can be good in it. But to be honest, even the costumes and make up were kinda amazing, the performance was not that good. I know nothing is perfect, but this is not too satisfying. Like there were no climax, no dancergasm. It's not only the dancers who made some mistakes, Me and Novi, as syekh, made mistakes too. Like sing then running out of breath and wrong on the percussions. But, these things should make us better in the future. It's a good lesson to practice more, less joking during practice, more smiles and more focus.

*video and photos are not yet available

Sunday, November 6, 2011

LAST PRATICE BEFORE THE SHOW!!! (Sunday, Nov 6th, 2011)

Super failed Saman Practice. To be honest, this is not yet appropriate to watch, and my voice even worse, it's embarrasing! -_- *PANICMODEON* Fingercrossed tomorrow we get some magic from the cows and goats, and the performance will be amazing, AMIN. 

Saturday night on Oct 5th.

Okay, sorry for not blogging yesterday, but i was so tired so i just go to bed straight away and not thinking about anything else.
So, i had school like normal Saturday. But it was more exciting. First, because Saturday, we got sport class, and it meas EXERCISE--->HEALTHY--->THIN!!! Beside, although I don't really like the teacher, but the view is quiet good. We can see some cute-popcorns on the other side of the field (we have same schedule as year10 class) LOL. So yesterday, we practiced some lay up and basketball skills. Well, I don't really like basketball, fyi I prefer futsal. But, thank God, I could do it even I have to try like 1234576 times. Then, we had Bahasa class, but the teacher was absent so we got free time. But then, there was an information from the speaker telling us to clean the class then straight going home with no excul.
Okay, that's all from my school day. After my mom and dad left to Bandung, I went to SMS and exploring SMS2 with Sujan and others. It's quiet useless, but kinda fun though.

Friday, November 4, 2011

empat november dua ribu sebelas

Today was sooo tiring. It's friday, tomorrow is saturday (but we have half-day school) and instead of having free time, all the teachers are in. First thing in the morning, I helped ditot to cut some photos but then a teacher came. She was angry at me, she was like talk to class and  talk about some God and stuffs and my ego was like "hell yeah you annoyed me, i'm no longer in a good mood. blame it on you, i hate you lalala~" but I keep it for myself because I know that's inappropriate if I said it to her like that. Maybe she'll be embarrassed, but then I'm gonna have like biatch reputation right. So, yeah, i just stay quiet, keep calm, take a deep breath, and let her leave the room in peace.
But then on  the first lessons were quiet good because its bio. And the topic was interesting, i like it actually. It was discussing about GOLONGAN DARAH and stuffs, so the students were kinda debating at first because they were miss understood, but at the end, we are all understand it. Second period, we have ICT. Bu Dina came in and ask us about the blog task she gave, and she asked us to write down our blog's name. Before checking one by one, she showed us the awesome group other student made (well in my opinion, it was not that good. too complicated, too full color, too noisy, well just too much for highschoolers.) Then she said about making SMANDELTA more famous (get in to top 10 result in google) , so we should make like minimum 10 posts about SMAN 8 Tangerang before the final exam. I don't have any good idea yet, because I'm, new and I don't really know SMANDELTA that well yet, but yeah I'll try. Beside, there's gonna be an Idul Adha event on next Monday. So, I think that's gonna be a good start to discuss about SMANDELTA in my blog. And before I forget, we're gonna have an ICT theory test on next friday. I personally don't like it that much, because I think its useless, but well why not right? As long as I get good result LOL. Then I have Japan class, just study about some verbs and new words. And the structure to write and talk about day time year and stuffs. And also, we're gonna have speaking test next friday (i guess). And in English class, we did some exercises and listen to some music :D

LATE UPDATES (Third day of Nov 2011)

Sorry for not updating my blog yesterday guys, too tired and feel kinda sick. Actually, yesterday was not so special except for the gift from someone i got. I GOT A RING!! It's not an engagement ring or something like that (well i'm only 16 and too young to be tide up) so its just a gift. A special gift from my beloved childhood best-guy-friend to celebrate my 7-months-singleversarry (on Nov 7th actually) LOL.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Second day of November 2011.

I am exhausted. Physically and mentally. I got a sudden fever in the morning on my way to school, then extreme headache on my way to math extra lesson. Sucks.
To be honest, today was not so tiring, but it was not fun at all. As usual, Bahasa on the first lesson, made drama group and wrote the synopsis. Then physics class, gossiping with the girls, Meu, Risjun, Huga and Novi. BP class, then the boring Agama class LOL. We almost got a sudden exam, but thank God, we were like protesting to him so he couldn't do anything. Well, there was a funny story on the last period, on EC lesson. So, the AC was so hot even there was raining outside. And Mam Ruli said "why does everytime i come to this room, it feels so hot? Is there something wrong with the AC?", and the class was like "Well, its because the previous teacher Mam. He brought the 'hot' atmosphere here, so  we're like running out of oxygen". And suddenly, everyone was laughing so loud, including me LOL.
And instead of continuing my math homework, i'm blogging. And I have music test tomorrow, but too lazy to practice (fyi its 11:15 and gonna disturb everyone). Just fingers-crossed then. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

First day of November 2011

Today was normal, not really fun, even a little bit annoying. First, my chem exam result SUCKS! Second, the physics teacher is in so we didn't have free time. Third, we got tons of math task. INSANITY!! And the rest, well, let just me and God that know it.
But, today is Novi's birthday! And, on Sunday was Dendy's birthday. So both of the brought my class some food, the Dendy's chicken and Novi's pudding, and they are sooo tasty. Then after school, we have the Upacara practice. And so we decide to make the surprise for Nov and Den. Well, it's a little bit failed but it was fun. And the blueberry blackforrest cake was yummy LOL

Today's English first was especially ordinary. We got Eamond instead of Alex, so its different you know. We discussed  and debate, about religion, faiths, myths, and those stuffs which was not too fun and not too interesting. But, after the break, its quiet hilarious. We talked about some embarrassing moments, and its a quiet fun.

So yeah, here I am typing in front of my laptop. And, playing The Sims Social. And sleepy, need long break, sick of school.